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- Short: Calculation for money makers
- Author: Dirk Neubauer
- Uploader: dirk.neubauer@guestrow.netsurf.de
- Type: biz/misc
- Version: 0.41
- - TurboCalc-Sheet for a simple calculation -
- - of pure profit out of investments -
- Introduction
- ------------
- Sometime I wanted to compare some kinds of investments (fonds of stocks,
- securities, estates, deposits etc.). The reason was to find out the pure
- profit made. The only thing I want to know is the investment which yields the
- most money. That was the reason for creating this sheet. Till now you can use
- it for fonds of stocks, estates and securities distributing the profit. For
- fonds thesauring maybe some small changes are needed, this will probably be
- done in the next releases. Also I want to do some changes for deposits month
- by month, but it's a little bit difficult to do. The sheet supports yet random
- calls following the first one. If you've only straight bonds, you don't need
- such a sheet, because of fixed interest rates. The values calculated by this
- sheet are not correct to the last cent, but usable. I don't need more
- accuracy. The calculated "profits" are more accurate the longer the runtime
- is. If you want more features for this sheet, then you should contact me.
- My address:
- email: dirk.neubauer@guestrow.netsurf.de
- snail-mail: Dirk Neubauer
- Bgm.-Dahse-Straße 14A
- 18273 Guestrow
- Germany
- Phone: +0049-03843-843362
- Requirements:
- - spreadsheet program (TurboCalc, FinalCalc, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 etc.)
- The sheet was created on:
- Amiga1200T/040 40MHz OS3.1 64MB-RAM Picasso2+/Picasso96, FlickerMagicT
- with use of TurboCalc 5.02
- It was also tested on:
- Amiga500 7MHz OCS OS3.0 1MB Chip 8MBFast 1.6GB-HD + TurboCalc V3.5
- Amiga1200 030/882 50 MHz OS3.1 18MB-RAM + TC4.0/5.0
- Amiga1200 PPC603e160+68040/5 48MB Fast BVision CGX_V3 SCALOS 1.2a + TC3.5
- Amiga4000T CSPPC604e200+68060/50 2MB Chip 144 MB Fast PicassoIV + TC 3.5/4.0
- Shapeshifter/MAC 1MB-ROM, System7.51, 16MB RAM, 68030/50, Excel 5.0 +
- (SYLK format)
- PC/WinNT4, PentiumII 300 MHz, Excel97/98 + (SYLK format)
- This text was written by use of CygnusEd V4.20 and GoldEd Studio 5.0.6
- Warranties
- ----------
- There is NO warranty for the correct function of this sheet. It is not tested
- on other as the described systems (above). The export formats are not tested
- very good because of rare possibilities. There's no responsibility or
- liability for damages on hard- and software or data by use or misuse of this
- sheet. And there's no warranty for correct working of this sheet in every
- case.
- Usage of the sheet
- ------------------
- There are various drawers. One for every supported language. You must look
- for your favourite one. In the ATO.readme you can look for all supported
- languages.
- Please load the version you need:
- FondsCalc.TCD for use with TurboCalc 3.5+ (maybe earlier, too)
- FondsCalc.slk (SYLK-Format for use with other spreadsheets)
- The import function of the sheet by SYLK are tested successfully with Excel5
- (MAC) and Excel97 (WinNT). In Excel you should note, that the switch "Use
- alternative formulas" under options is activated. Otherwise instead of
- formulas the values were imported, which also exists at the SYLK file. I don't
- have experience in use of Lotus 1-2-3. There are some restrictions by use of
- the SYLK format, which will be described below.
- The names of the columns are easy to understand, I hope. Nevertheless users of
- TC4.0/5.0 have a small advantage, they can use cell notes, if the statusbar is
- activated (global settings). Then you get for every cell, that contains
- values, little notes about the reason and creation (manual entry or
- calculation) of this value. (Every fonds has its own sheet. This way it is
- easier to manage, I think.)
- Small notes:
- The default font is 'cgtimes'. This font is good for WYSIWYG and printing.
- Besides, it is delivered with original workbench. The headline is fixed to use
- this font. If you want to change the font, you only have to change the default
- font (in TurboCalc!). Besides, I must say I use a screen mode of 800x600x256
- for TurboCalc.
- There are modifications for colours for background and foreground on some
- cells. I've used all possible colours, and so you must change the used
- palette, if you have less than 32 cols. Otherwise there could be text in
- colour 'white'. This case appeared during testing on A500/OCS. By use of the
- SYLK sheet no settings for colours or fonts were imported.
- The iteration settings for calculations in TurboCalc were set to 2 and saved
- (Sheet/Settings/Calculation...). This became necessary, because after taking
- the tax into account, the interest was not re-calculated. If you use a
- different spreadsheet software, you should set it up accordingly. Because
- "iterative calculation" is only supported since V4.0 by TurboCalc, users of
- TurboCalc V3.5 have to choose "Command/Recalculate" after changing "Actual
- value" (or any other) for correct calculation at every cell.
- In cell A1 is the title. For XX you can insert needed names. These are the
- kind of fonds, the name of it, the company and bank, too.
- example:
- Performance of the value for the fonds Weka-Nord (Corporation Nord-Invest) on
- Vereins- und Westbank.
- In cell A5 you should insert number of shares by your call. There are
- possibilities for sharing parts, and therefore no integer value in this cell.
- Shares from following calls you can insert into cells A8 and A11. If you don't
- own such shares, please insert 0 there. If three cells are less than you need
- for calling shares, please contact me. At the SYLK format no settings for the
- structure of numerical values were imported.
- In cell B5 you should insert the value of a share by calling (in Euro). In
- this value the spread for the call is integrated, of course. In cell B6 the
- value in your currency appears. The cells B8/B9 and B11/B12 are planned for
- following shares. If you don't own such shares, please insert 0 there.
- For all details to currency in this sheet: After the value the abbreviated
- currency is showing. You should change it, if you use another currency as the
- default (EUR, DM), because it's only normal text. In this case you only have
- to change the text in cells C5/C6. All other texts are updated automatically.
- In cell M20 you should insert the exchange factor for your currency. This
- value describes how much of your currency are 1 Euro. The default value is
- 1.95583 for German marks (DM).
- In cell D5 (yellow cell) you should regularly insert the actual value for a
- share (in Euro) for getting a real calculation. Of course, that means the
- value for cash out shares. This cell is the only one, which you have to hold
- in current status by yourself. The entries in all other cells are only to set
- by start. In cell D6 the value appears in your currency.
- In cells F5/F8/F11 the differences between the value by today and by call is
- appearing (in Euro). A negative value describes a loss (especially in the
- weeks and months after call as direct result of the spread). In cells
- F6/F9/F12 the same values for your currency is appearing.
- In cell H5 the date for the call is needed. The cells H8/H11 are planned for
- dates of the calls for following shares.
- In cell I5 appears the current date.
- In cell A16 the number of shares is specified, which are called with the cash
- out. It contains only "won" profit, so it's an 100% tribute, of course.
- In cell J5 the difference for the performance (in Euro) for the time of one
- year is given. If the call isn't one year ago, there could be relatively big
- gains or losses. That depends on the speculation times for which no real
- predictions are possible. Securities and estates should show useful values
- after a few months already. After first cash out there should be normal values
- for fonds of stocks, too. In cell J6 are the same values for your currency.
- In cell I20 you should insert the appropriate costs of your depot (in %).
- example: 0.00125 means 0.125% (1 means 100%)
- At SYLK format no settings for structure of numerical values were imported, and
- so in this cell appears the decimal instead of the percent value, p.e.
- 0.00125.
- In cell I21 you should insert the counts of paying these costs during one year.
- (usual values are 4 to payment per quarter).
- In cell J20 you should insert the appropriate costs for the managing (in%).
- example: 0.00125 means 0.125% (1 means 100%)
- In cell J21 you should insert the counts of paying these costs during one year.
- (usual values are 4 to payment per quarter).
- If there are no such costs needed for your investment, or these already
- calculate into the performance, then you should insert 0% in the appropriate
- cell.
- In cell L20 the tax rate is needed. In Germany the tax for cash out is about
- 30.5%. There is a small amount of cash out, which is free of tax (999 DM).
- Please contact me for other values or calculation models for your country.
- In cell L21 the amount of cash out is needed, which is free of tax. In Germany
- there are 999 DM.
- In cell B22 the total amount of money for the call (in Euro) is given. In cell
- B23 is the same value for your currency.
- In cell D22 the current amount of the investment (in Euro) appears. That is
- the value you get by put today. In cell D23 is the same value for your
- currency.
- In cell F22 the current amount of the investment after taxation (in Euro)
- appears. That is the value you get by put today, and have to give a part to
- your government. In cell F23 is the same value for your currency.
- In cell L5 the true profit (in %) is given. There are already all appropriate
- costs included.
- In cell M5 appears the yearly "interest rate". Because a fonds of stocks
- doesn't cash out an interest rate, I "invented" this value to compare it with
- normal straight bonds. This value describes the theoretical interest rate for
- a straight bond with the same tribute as the appropriate fonds. This value is
- highly accurate and a very good thing for comparing.
- History:
- --------
- v0.1 - first public version
- v0.2 - improvements for compatibility to MS-Excel
- - slovenian translation
- v0.3 - Improvement in the calculation
- v0.4 - Adding cell notes as small "online help"
- - Rework for SYLK-Export
- - Improvement on clarity (texts for currencies)
- v0.41 - french translation
- Thanks to:
- ----------
- - Michael Friedrich for TurboCalc
- - Ossowskis Schatztruhe for highly usable Amiga-Soft
- - my father for introduction to money bussiness
- - my brother for testing this sheet on his A500
- - Horst Schumann for testing this sheet on his system and proofreading this
- readme file
- - Ronald Schmiers for testing this sheet on his system and his numerous
- suggestions, tips and infos.
- - Michael Becker for testing this sheet on his system
- - Dale Frameli for his suggestions
- - ATO members for translations
- - all users, which mailed me
- - the financial arm of the German government :->
- Future ideas
- ------------
- - Manual in guide or html format ?
- - Improvements in the layout (cols, fonts etc.?
- - Add-on for fonds thesauring (sure!)
- - Add-on for costs of depots with fixed values ?
- - Add-on for calls month by month (VL) REALLY SURE!
- - Improved calculation for taxes
- - Fixing of bugs ?!?
- - Localisation for many languages and specific adaptations for these countries
- (perhaps)?
- - Calculation with inflation ?
- - Your suggestions....
- Copyrights
- ----------
- - TurboCalc is copyright by Michael Friedrich 1993-98
- - FinalCalc is copyright by Softwood
- - Excel is copyright by MicroSoft
- - Lotus 1-2-3 is copyright by Lotus
- - CygnusEd is copyright by CygnusSoft-Software
- - Amiga is copyright by AmigaInc.
- This sheet is mailware, that means, it's nice for me to get a message from
- people using this sheet (email, postcard etc.). It would be nice to know,
- who's using this sheet. Besides on this way I get suggestions, criticism etc.
- very quickly.
- August '99